Showing Tag: "office" (Show all posts)

Buy Art Prints for the Office

Posted by Peter Wichman on Tuesday, September 17, 2013, In : Office Pictures 

Why do we need art in the office you may ask? Of course, the office is a working environment, not a gallery where we sit and appreciate forms of art. However, that doesn't change the fact that having art prints hanging in your office will improve your moods and make you work better!

Art can make me work better? Yep, you read it right, wall prints have a great way of bringing a creative and inspirational mood to your working environment, thus making happier and more productive business people. ...
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Creating a Pleasing Environment With Wall Art

Posted by Peter Wichman on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, In : Office Pictures 

Expensive art of the great painters, whether on canvas or traditional framed prints, is very beautiful beautiful, but they are not to everybody's taste. Today's fashionable lifestyle has generated a completely new niche within the art community. Contemporary photographic images printed on canvas or mounted on acrylic are in demand as a design complement in modern homes. They are cheaper and provide a much more modern theme to the stylish designs of an interior design.

When your friends and fa...

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