At Fotoviva Art Prints you can now upload your favourite photo and let us turn it into a wonderful piece of acrylic wall art that will bring a personalised interior design to your home walls. Just think how great it would be to have a funky, contemporary printed version of your holiday photo, or your wedding picture, hanging on your wall.

Just upload your image to us on our photo to acrylic page and we will print it onto archival quality photo paper. We then reverse bond it to the rear of a 5mm glossy acrylic panel. Contemporary brushed aluminium fixing posts are then used to hang it on the wall.

Acrylic wall art is perfect for homes or offices that have a modern style interior design as they look sharp and classy next to modern furniture. Try having you family pet immortalized, or maybe that great photo you took of your children on holiday. It will make your photos look so much better that a boring picture frame!