We have been in the wall art trade since way back in 2006 when we launched Fotoviva Art Prints. Over the years we have had some questions by potential customers which need clarifying for any others who are thinking the same thing. One such question regards canvas posters – do you sell canvas posters on your gallery site?

To put it simply, the answer is NO. This is because canvas and poster are two different forms of print media and they cannot be combined. Canvases are where the picture is printed onto canvas material, the type you would find on traditional paintings for instance. These are then wrapped around a wooden frame for hanging on the wall. Posters, on the other hand, are just photo prints but on quality paper and usual quite large. These poster prints are not framed in any way and come supplied in cardboard tubes.

So canvases are ready to hang and need no framing, but poster do need a frame, unless you just want them stuck on your wall with blue-tack, but we wouldn't recommend that! On the face of it, poster prints do seem like better value, but when you factor in the necessary framing costs they can work out about the same, depending on the quality of the picture frame.

So canvas poster are not available, and if another gallery website tells you otherwise then they are getting confused with print terms. All our image collection is available printed as either a canvas wall picture or a poster wall print, so you can choose what suits you best.

For more information about what a canvas print is, visit our canvas page at www.fotoviva.co.uk/canvas-wall-art
To read more about poster prints, see our poster page at www.fotoviva.co.uk/art-poster-printingart-poster-printing